Day 4 of living below the line is now complete and I am ready to be back ABOVE the line! I am tired of the same ingredients everyday and overall just don't feel like I have much energy... no run for me today. I started off the day again by taking a banana and 2 boiled eggs into
work to have as breakfast and for 2 snacks throughout the day, these 3
things cost me 28p. For lunch I made 2 roast small potatoes mixed with baked beans and mixed vegetables with a chicken stock cube sprinkled over. It was so much better than yesterday's soup. I was able to roast my potatoes better by using the oil that came out of the sausages from last night's dinner, all about being resourceful. Lunch came in at a 26p to make and I was pretty happy with it... again! Towards the end of the day, I was really craving something sweet but I knew what was waiting for me when I got home. For dinner I made Sausage Carbonara... well my version of it with the limited ingredients I have and it cost 45p to make. It was actually pretty tasty and I enjoyed having it. Today's grand total came in at 99p! Overall, I am feeling ok just really bored with my ingredients and ready to have choice again. I think this has been the hardest part of the challenge. I didn't receive any donations today to boost my spirits... hopefully tomorrow I will receive some sponsors.
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