Day 2 of living below the line is now complete and I am feeling pretty good except for this headache I can not shift... coffee withdrawals! I started off the day with taking a banana and 2 boiled eggs into work to have as breakfast and for 2 snacks throughout the day. These 3 things cost me 28p and they kept me pretty satisfied today. I usually snack throughout the day but didn't really notice not being able to. I brought my lunch into to work so I could show my colleagues what kind of meals I was having and get their reactions. For lunch I made 2 roast small potatoes mixed with baked beans and mixed vegetables with a chicken stock cube sprinkled over. It was actually pretty tasty but most of the reactions I got didn't think much of my meal except for that it smelled nice. Lunch came in at a 26p to make and I was pretty happy with it. I made it though the work day just fine and even went for a run after work. Dinner was actually pretty tasty as well. It consisted of 4 sausages, mixed vegetables, pasta, and chicken stock and came to a total of 45p. The idea was to make a sausage pasta veg soup but the stock reduced down quite a bit so I'm not sure what to really call it... maybe a stew? Overall, it was pretty good food day and I was happy with what I was able to make for a grand total of 99p! It was nice to be able to talk to my colleagues about the challenge and even picked up a few more donations!
Sponsorship total today: £58!
Sponsorship total so far: £108!
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