Day 3 of living below the line is now complete! Today was just an ok day... I think living below the line is getting to me. I see all these yummy things around me and I can't have any of it... and I want it all. I can't stop thinking about food! I started off the day again by taking a banana and 2 boiled eggs into work to have as breakfast and for 2 snacks throughout the day. These 3 things cost me 28p and were ok, I think it is mainly the hard boiled eggs that are boring me. I eat a banana everyday but stinky eggs... no... and they are ok to fill me up for a little bit but not really finding them satisfying, I'm just eating them to keep food in me. So on to lunch and I made a pasta soup with mixed vegetables and beans which cost 24p to make. It was so BLAND and boring that I couldn't even finish it all. I really tried to finish it but I just couldn't, it was the low point of my day and because I didn't finish it all I was hungry by the end of the work day and couldn't wait to eat dinner. This opened my eyes to the people living below the line everyday that don't care how bland something is but eat it to keep them going another day. On Friday, I am making another version of soup and will make sure I eat it all so I don't feel hungry later on in the day. As soon as I got home today, I started preparing my dinner, Sausage Stew, which cost me 47p to make and actually tasted pretty good. It might have been because I felt really hungry but I ate dinner very quickly and all of it! Today's grand total came in at 99p! 3 days into the challenge and I feel ok, the coffee headache wasn't as bad today and the yummy dinner made up for the bland soup earlier. I am going to stay positive and try to be creative with the little amount of ingredients I have left for the week. I will just have to dream about eating cake tonight!
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