Lots more to come

Hello there...
I am starting my first baking blog. I love to bake as a hobby and am hoping to do it more frequently. Anytime I bake, I will post some photos and how it went. The last cupcakes I made were S'mores cupcakes recipe from Hummingbird Bakery. Here is a snapshot:

Photo taken with my mobile, will take all future photos with my proper camera. 

I hope people find my blog and enjoy reading my baking adventures!


  1. Amanda MilheiserMay 08, 2011 7:36 pm

    I want the recipe for the cupcakes!

  2. here is the recipe I found from another blogger: http://theartofbeingperfect.blogspot.com/2011/03/hummingbird-bakery-smore-cupcakes.html

    Let me know if you need help converting it to American measurements.
