I can't believe the Live Below the Line challenge that I signed up for in March is finally here and starting tomorrow. I did my shopping today and really wish I would have created meal plans but never got around to it and so I looked at some sample ones online and popped over to the store hoping for some good deals. To the right and below is everything I bought for the week to feed me! My grand total for Live Below the Line week is £4.93... I might see if I can find something for 7p tomorrow. I have now planned all my meals for the week and hope it works as I think it will in my head. Each day comes in at £1 or less which really was a challenge and follows the official rules! Some people have spent more then £5 for the week but overall are not spending more then a £1 day by working out the cost of each ingredient portion and are able to come up with some nice recipes. I wanted to really make this a challenge so what my budget allows for is a limited amount of ingredients and some ok recipes! I will blog my experience of living below the line every day this week. I would love if you could sponsor me as I take on this challenge. :) It will have an affect for people living below the line everyday.
Please sponsor me as I take on this challenge this week! :)
Thank you!
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